10 Things I Need To Do In NJ Before I Leave

Everyone has little pieces of their home state that they can’t find anywhere else. I decided to write down 10 things I need to do in New Jersey before I move to New Hampshire. Because I know the bagels and pizza won’t be as good, and I know I won’t see the ocean for a while, and bits of my home just won’t be in New Hampshire. But once I’m there, I’ll be sure to make a list of 10 things I need to do in New Hampshire. For now, here’s my list:

  1. Wawa coffee everyyyyy week
  2. Get a North Jersey Bagel
  3. Visit Asbury Park
  4. See the ocean
  5. Lots of jersey pizza
  6. Ring in the New Year with my best friends
  7. Drive past my childhood home
  8. Sunday dinner at grandma’s
  9. Get my gas pumped (I’ll miss this the most)
  10. Go to a diner late at night.
photography of turned on street lamps beside bay during night time
Photo by Reynaldo Brigantty on Pexels.com

8 thoughts on “10 Things I Need To Do In NJ Before I Leave

  1. I’ve heard of this mysterious, wonderful thing about getting your gas pumped. Sounds amazing lol. Here in OK that’s not seen anywhere and kinda considered a thing of the “good ole days”. Good luck on the move!

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  2. That’s so funny. This guy I met didn’t know that not everywhere pumps your gas. He said he sat in his car at the gas station here for ages before he finally looked up & realized he had to do it himself. 😂

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