Sometimes There’s Nothing To Write About

I look at my blog sometimes and am just so frustrated with the content I’m putting out. Sometimes it’s too fluffy, sometimes it’s too bare, and sometimes it’s too dark. And sometimes there’s just nothing to write about.

While I want to have consistent blog posts for my readers and it seems like something they want that too, my life isn’t always that interesting. I’m not always having some kind of epiphany, quarter life crisis, or relationship realization. I can’t always strip down my soul and spill my guts to you all because I don’t always have something to spill. I try to be as personal and vulnerable as possible, but then I see other bloggers writing about miscarriages, divorces, bankruptcy and I feel so unauthentic.

When there’s nothing to write about, I make lists. I talk about some of my goals, my to-do lists, I promote myself and other bloggers. But it can feel cheap sometimes that I can only give an emotionally and beautifully composed piece of writing to you all every once in a while.

There are a lot of doubts when it comes to being a blogger and a lot of comparisons. I don’t feel that I fit in the stereotypical blogging niche and my audience here on the blog certainly differs from my audience on Instagram. While there is always something to take a photo of, there’s not always something to write about. So I hope everyone will bear with me through the fluff and folly while I wait for inspiration.

macbook pro on desk
Photo by on

25 thoughts on “Sometimes There’s Nothing To Write About

  1. You write when you’re ready, when you want to. When you do, we’ll be here. I find inspiration for writing in my daily devotional, my daily affirmations and yoga practice. Also memes and quotes that I see on Facebook or Instagram. Where your inspiration comes from is up to you and what your posts are about it also up to you!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Oh I can totally relate to this!! It’s hard because I feel like the more feelings I have, the more content I put out. Sometimes it’s great because I like being able to write, but it’s difficult if I’m having a hard season and just want to feel carefree. You’ve been doing great Rosie and we all love following you!

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  3. Blogging isn’t as easy as a lot of people think is it? I often want to sit and write a new post but then really struggle with the content, the title, and basically what I want to write about. I hate going more than a week without posting, feel like I’m letting my blog down. I like this post though as it’s about how you’re feeling about your blog, nice one.

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  4. It can ebb and flow, like life. I started here a few months ago, and I feel that I am just not rolling with it yet. I have been away from blogging for a few years. Really, now wasnโ€™t the best time to start… as I sit here with my phone on a stack of math papers Iโ€™m grading…๐Ÿ˜‘

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  5. โ€œI try to be as personal and vulnerable as possible, but then I see other bloggers writing about miscarriages, divorces, bankruptcy and I feel so unauthentic.โ€

    Iโ€™m not a blogger. Iโ€™m just a reader who enjoys your content. Let me say your content is real and authentic to me. Iโ€™m near your age (I think. Iโ€™m 24) and what you write about relates to me. Iโ€™m not going through miscarriages, divorces, and bankruptcy. But I am someone who doesnโ€™t want kids, loves dogs, and has my moments of insecurity; these are things youโ€™ve written about. Just because you donโ€™t have that other kind of content doesnโ€™t mean you are less authentic/vulnerable or have nothing to offer. Maybe Iโ€™m not your target audience but please know that your content is valuable to me and part of it is because itโ€™s different than what everyone else is doing (though I know when youโ€™re involved with social media itโ€™s about getting mass appeal). Anyway, I support you and enjoy your content whether itโ€™s rambly or not. I know blogging is pretty hard (I couldnโ€™t do it haha) so I totally understand the break. Wishing you the best Rosie!

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  6. I hear ya. Sometimes I look back through the posts I’ve written and wonder where the good, meaningful ones are, and why I act like such a clown with most posts. And it always feels like if I go a week without writing, I have to build up my readership again. People don’t know the internal struggle blogging is.

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  7. I agree, it’s not always easy and to see the stats drop is very frustrating. I try as much as possible to go out and live new experiences so I can write about them on the blog but it is sometimes very time-consuming. I also have a couple of back-up subjects for potential new post that I keep just in case … but if I always keep them as back-ups, it sure means that they are not that interesting. Anyway, I feel you, it is not easy. But no worries, you can take a few days off blogging: if it is to produce qualitative content after, it’s all good ๐Ÿ™‚

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  8. Gosh, I feel the same.. with my new work taking up most of my time, I just donโ€™t seem to have enough mental space or time to write presently. Iโ€™ve noticed a decline since the number of posts Iโ€™m putting up ( as well as stats) but I donโ€™t want to just put anything up. So Iโ€™m taking it as it comes, so totally can relate to you girl. The struggle is def real but Iโ€™m sure weโ€™ll get through this together ๐Ÿ’•โ˜บ๏ธ xx

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  9. I think it’s cool. Sometimes there just isn’t much to say…just like in life. But I think the creative process is like that. I love your blog and it is one of the few that is still going…you should take pride in that. I prefer quality over quantity anyway. ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

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