What I’ve Learned After 3 Years Of Being In A Relationship

My boyfriend and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary recently and so much has changed just in the year since I wrote this post. And so much had changed in just the year before that. I don’t think I can write this one in list form because year 3 has been an overarching theme – sticking together.

After 3 years of being in a relationship, I’ve learned that I always have someone by my side. And through thick and thin, we’re sticking together.

Through the move 5 hours away from home. Through the month we spent apart while he finished up life in NJ. Through the sucky diagnosis of heart worm in our dog during that time apart. Through the long drives back and forth to see family and friends. Through the very low lows of our jobs. Through snow storms and thunderstoms. Car problems that cost way too much. Adjusting to life somewhere new.

And through the promotion that kick-started our adventure in a new place with our little family. Through the rotation of friends coming to visit. Through our 26th birthdays. Through exploring New England and spring time. Through the cotton candy sunsets and falling in love with New Hampshire in summer. Through short-lived time with my nieces and nephew. Through hikes once our dog was off her exercise restriction.

We’ve stuck together.

25 thoughts on “What I’ve Learned After 3 Years Of Being In A Relationship

  1. Wah happy anniversary you two! Me and my son dad also 3 years this June. Began to stay in same house because of our son, but now feel like relationship too. Definitely related to your wonderful story🥰

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