If We Were Having Coffee – March

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I feel like I blinked and winter is over. We only had one major snow where I live in NJ, definitely a big change from New England winters (which I still think about, a lot).

Why do you think about New England so much?

Living in New Hampshire was one of those once in a lifetime risks you take for the hell of it, so I think about it a lot now that I’m back in the comfort of my home state. The beginning of March had me in a bi-monthly quarter life crises I seem to go through which makes me question everything but for seemingly no reason.

Is there really no reason?

A combination of getting lost in books and getting burnt out on social media has created some thought starters for me and I’m still working through it.

I changed my Instagram handle and have started rethinking the time I spend online, but haven’t really nailed down what I need in life right now.

But speaking of books, I finished what’s published of the ACOTAR series just in time for a new book from the From Blood and Ash series to be released. I also started Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas. And I read Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover.

Do you do anything but read?

Lately, no. I’ve been super consumed with work and just haven’t had the brain space or energy for anything else. We did have friends over and spend a couple days in Princeton this month! Mostly enjoying some yummy food that you can see pics of in my photos of the month.

And that’s it! Tell me one good thing from your March in the comments.

16 thoughts on “If We Were Having Coffee – March

  1. I was off work for half of March. That was a good chance to recharge, so to speak. The weather was nice, so I went on a lot more bike rides than usual. I played Catan four times with (mostly) four different groups of people, and I won all four times. I wanted to get ahead on my writing, which didn’t happen, but I did stay caught up, at least.

    Take care of yourself and have a good one!

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  2. The second week of March, I (temporarily) relocated from Minnesota to Mississippi. The warm weather and sunshine are a huge mood booster for me and I’ve been working remote, walking my dog and going about my normal life…just not freezing to death while I do it!

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  3. ever since i deleted my IG, I’ve been reading a lot more. i find reading to be peaceful and a great way to step away from the online world for a while. Ugly Love is def on my list. I read It Ends With Us & Verity so far.

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  4. We returned to Perth on 15 March after being in the UK for ten weeks! We thought my parents needed looking after my dad has cancer and my mum has beginnings of dementia. They didn’t want looking after and were puzzled as to why we stayed so long, so we left! So good to be back.
    I’m reading Fresh Water for Flowers by Valerie Perrin ..such a beautiful book

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  5. I don’t know if this would help you, but one thing I’ve started doing is ignoring Instagram until at least the afternoon. Not much happens on there in the morning that I wouldn’t learn about on Twitter, so I guess I just save myself from excess scrolling.

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  6. I absolutely love this series that you do! I hope you listen and figure out what you need; life is flying by so fast it seems, especially as we’re getting older, but I hope this month treats you well! I’ll have to check out the books you’ve mentioned.

    March wasn’t too exciting for us; we’re just trying to take it day by day with Darby after his neutering procedure that occurred on Tuesday! It’s going to be a long week for us, so I can’t wait until he’s healed and can be active again.

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