Are Broken-Hearted People Worth The Time?

I wasn't scared of dating because it's difficult. I've been through plenty of awkward situations in my life, I've definitely learned to laugh it off. I was scared to date because I'm difficult. I immediately wave off every person I meet as uninteresting because I know that they won't put in the effort that it…

Comprehending The Randomness Of Life

I'm an overthinker which sometimes leads to me being stuck in this rut of confusion because I can't comprehend life. I can't comprehend death. I just don't get it. As yesterday was 9/11, I read this article. And watched a video that included a lot of audio from the day. The correspondence from plane to airports,…

Why You Should Probably Delete Tinder

I don't think there are many reasons behind why we use social media. Sure, you can use it for your branding, to meet people, to read the news - but we mostly use it because we're bored. Tinder is no exception. My generation loves instant gratification. We love getting likes on our pictures and retweets…

We’re Always Changing And It’s Not Always Bad

I've been in this world for 22 years now.  That's approximately 1/4 of a lifetime. To some, it may seem like that's nothing - like I've been here for an hour when they've been here for a year. To people my age, it's a lot and time doesn't seem to be slowing down. In my…