Winter Bucket List

Guys. I hate winter. I hate snow, I hate being cold, I hate scraping frost off my windshield every morning. It feels like the longest season ever and all I want to do is stay inside – any advice on how to like winter more is appreciate because it makes me miserable. I’m hoping some items on my winter bucket list will make it a little more enjoyable. What’s one thing you want to do this winter?

  1. Move to New Hampshire!
  2. Learn to play guitar
  3. Go to the gym 3x a week
  4. Text my friends at least once a week
  5. Go to a concert
  6. Read 5 books
  7. Be more productive after work
  8. Start journaling again
  9. Keep my blog stats up
  10. Go on a weekend trip
  11. 7,500 Instagram followers
  12. 650 Facebook likes
  13. 2,000 Twitter followers
  14. Make at least one snow angel!
  15. Get a new piercing
  16. Finish my photo album
  17. Send “we moved!” cards to friends and family
  18. Explore one new town in New England

30 thoughts on “Winter Bucket List

  1. Oooooo! What are you thinking about getting pierced?

    I love the snow (though I don’t see much of it), so winter is just fine for me. I also have a strange tolerance for the cold; always have. The hubs and I are planning a ski/snowboard trip to Utah in early March. Can’t wait!!


  2. About the cold, growing up in Northern NY and now living in the Midwest having the warmest coat, boots, hats, and gloves really help. I hate winter but have learned to tolerate it. Also planning a trip to a warm location in February helps. I can look forward to it from December and January and by the time we get back I know we only have about a month left of iffy weather! Hope this helps. Great bucket list too!

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  3. Skiing makes winter fun. And winter photos with winter landscapes. Sledding down hills, making snowmen, and hot chocolate with fun people; they all make winter fun. I miss living somewhere that got a real winter.

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  4. I don’t really care for snow but I would much rather it be cooler than hot. I hate the heat, I hate feeling sticky and sweaty and I hate bugs and I hate how cranky everyone is when it’s hot. Maybe that will help you appreciate winter more lol

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  5. How exciting that you are moving to New Hampshire! I love what I have seen of New Hampshire in pictures, but I’ve never been there. Can’t wait to see your posts on it! Also, I think it’s so fun that you are getting a new piercing! New piercings are always so exciting. I hope you’re able to cross everything off your list this season. 🙂

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  6. I am sure you have heard this already but if you hate winters now living in New Jersey, it’s going to be WAY worse in New Hampshire. I used to hate the winter and snow A LOT. It’s still not my favorite but being with my bf has helped me grow to like it a bit. He’s really into snowboarding so he loves the winter. The big thing is dressing for the weather. The thing I hate about winter the most is being so cold but I never would dress well enough for the weather. Invest in some warm undergarments and boots. When you’re not freezing, it does make playing in the snow a lot more bearable. Also, try to find an activity that you like. Between skiing, snowboarding, cross country skiing, etc, there are a ton of things to do in the winter. I recently started snowshoeing and I LOVE it. I hiked up the mountain this New Year’s at Stratton in Vermont. It was beautiful and a GREAT workout.

    Sorry for the novel. I can just definitely relate with the whole hating winter thing but it definitely isn’t all bad.

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    1. Haha I have heard it A LOT. Like every day up to my move I was reminded how cold I’m going to be. I’m definitely going to try to find a fun winter activity I like and I got a pair of duck boots for christmas that I know I will be utilizing 🙂

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  7. I am not a huge fan of winter either and we don’t even get snow over here. I just hate the cold & how early it gets dark. 😛 I hope you are able to cross everything off your bucket list, Rosie. Sending “we moved” cards sounds like such a cute & fun idea! I never thought of that!

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