Do You Like Him Or Do You Like The Attention?

Loneliness can cause a lot of confusion. It's not just being alone, but being happy sometimes and sad others, missing the feeling of someone laying beside you, of always having someone to turn to - it jumbles up your brain and heart to the point where clarity is a small speck in the distance. It…

Does Online Dating Lack Spontaneity?

Meet cute: a scene in film, television, etc. in which a future romantic couple meets for the first time in a way that is considered adorable, entertaining, or amusing. Because I base so many of my falling-in-love fantasies off of love novels and star crossed movies, I've always pictured my moment with "the one" as a…

Why Your Best Friends Are Your Actual Soulmates

Republished from 6/16/15 How many times have we heard the Sex and the City quote:  “Maybe our girlfriends are our soulmates and guys are just people to have fun with.” It really couldn’t be more true. I spent a large part of my young life in a relationship that I used to replace friendships.  My high school friends weren’t…

How Our Generation Is Always Speed Dating

Republished from 6/13/15 We are sometimes called the "hookup culture" because of our lack of commitment. We kiss first, ask questions wayyyyyy later.  Relationships aren't exactly what we're looking for right now and one reason behind this is because we are always speed dating. Not literally, we don't move from chair to chair at a…

Falling In Love With Everyone and Everything

Republished from 4/5/15 Everywhere we turn, there are interesting people. Walk into class, stumble into the bar, open up twitter, and scroll through Instagram. You can find someone you have something in common with in every nook of your life. So how do you choose and how do you settle? I don't think our generation…