My Word For 2017

Although I am huge on making goals and resolutions, a new idea was brought to my attention this year and I’d love to try it out. On top of my resolutions for 2017, I also chose a word to live by this year.

Essentially, this is to help you bypass the large load of things you want to change about yourself and just choose one to work on. You can read more about this concept at,  this website will also help you find your own word!

The word I have chosen for 2017 is enough.

I am enough. I don’t have to change myself or push myself or drain myself of everything just to please other people. The ones who accept me are the ones who can stick around, the ones who don’t just aren’t necessary.

I don’t want to worry endlessly anymore if I’m good enough, if I deserve something. If I’m pretty enough, what I can do to get there. Because I need to be enough for me. I need to stop striving for things that are outside the realm of my possibility.

But I also want to focus on if I am doing enough and being mindful. Is my lazy day in bed a day well spent. Are there other things, better things, that I could be doing? Am I putting enough effort into things that truly matter? When I get out of bed in the morning, drive to work, and come home – are those things enough or can I do more? Can I stretch myself a little further to be a better version of myself?

Even if you don’t choose a word this year or make goals, I hope you have time to do what you need to do in order to be happy. If you do choose a word, leave it in the comments!

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23 thoughts on “My Word For 2017

  1. I love this! I have a phrase that I live by (taken from a Metallica song): nothing else matters. I stress so much about a lot of little things that don’t really mean anything in the long run. I just need to remember that as long as I’m healthy and happy with where I’m at in life, then nothing else matters.

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