Somewhere In Between

I feel pretty weird about this stage of my life. While I know I don’t need to have everything figured out at 24 years old, I do know that there are some things that I should feel more comfortable with.

But everything is very up and down at the moment. I just moved into a new place, so where I live will be a constant for probably the next two years. Therefore, I really don’t have any big life changes coming down the road – and I kind of thrive on change. I don’t plan on moving, don’t plan on changing jobs, don’t plan on making any relationship steps. Which is all fine, but the lack of change makes me uneasy.

And I feel like I should be more comfortable with my friends, the way I spend my time, the way I look. But I just can’t find a balance.

My friends all have their friends and they all live more than an hour away making pretty much everything hard. I’m tired after work so I don’t really do anything exciting – probably the only thing worth mentioning is my blog but that has become so integrated into my life. And I can’t get past any fitness plateaus, I’m so stagnant.

But what do I do? Join a club at 24 years old? I’ve never been an outgoing person and just the thought of trying to make new friends makes me want to hide under the covers. Do I just accept I’m at a weird transitional part of my life and that the puzzle pieces will fall into place soon? Because so far I’ve learned when you expect things to get easier, they don’t.

Being 24 is weird.

25 thoughts on “Somewhere In Between

  1. Trust me, it’s not any less weird in your 40s either. ๐Ÿ™‚ But don’t let me discourage you…lol
    I try to remember that it takes bad times, lame times, stagnant times, mundane times, sad times, and all the other negative times worth the good times!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I agree whole heartedly about this! I’m 25 and kind of always feel this way! I think you always have times in your life like this but I do believe that they get better.
    Em x

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  3. I was a point in my life just like this last year at age 19 when all I did was wake up, work on my online classes, and hang out with my boyfriend. BECAUSE I was so isolated from the world I began to worry about my future and growth. Looking back, it’s easy to see that I was too comfortable in my routine. I began to try out a friend’s theory she’s used in times like this: the yes theory. I began to say yes to (almost) every opportunity in my life. I met more people, which helped me get out of my own negative thinking. I traveled more alone, which also pushed me out of my comfort zone. I am still a pretty shy person, but am comfortable as ever in my own skin.

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    1. Thank you so much for sharing this! I am at a similar stage, all I do is work and hang out with my boyfriend. I love my boyfriend but I really need to start doing something else. I love the yes theory, I’m going to try it out ๐Ÿ™‚

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  4. I’m a bit in your shoes too and I’ve started making an effort to meet some people, widen my social circle, but also just try new things. I took an art class, volunteered, and have been around to lots of free events in the city. You’d be surprised how much is out there and one day a week off your regular routine really makes a difference

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    1. Yeah, I’ve already started to notice just changing things up one day improved my mood a lot! Now I just have to get the energy to do something after work to make the work week a little more interesting


      1. I’m on one right now! Can’t wait to start planning the next one, though I already have a girls weekend and a honeymoon to look forward to already. ๐Ÿ˜€

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  5. It is only temporary- I’ve been there far too many times. I live with my boyfriend too and recently realised that work and my boyfriend are literally my life. So I joined a book club (which I adore), have started a blog and have made a conscientious effort to put more into my long distance friendships (which is so hard when you’re broke and busy and it’s cold!) You’ll get there though ๐Ÿ™‚ x

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      1. It’s in person and the people I’ve met are genuinely all lovely! It’s nice to have something to talk about too so if you’re shy you’ve got something in common and a topic to discuss which is nice! I can’t recommend it enough! My boyfriend has no interest in reading so it’s good to have something separate from him to do too!

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